
Biblical Interpretation Then and Now: Contemporary Hermeneutics in the Light of the Early Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

Biblical Interpretation Then and Now examines the use of the Bible in the early church and relates apostolic and patristic interpretation to contemporary trends in hermeneutics. Dockery traces the developments in early Christian interpretation, noting both continuities and discontinuities. His study begins with Jesus, and observes the developments in interpretation to the time of the historic...

school. Philo, a contemporary of Jesus and the apostles, seems to have been largely without influence in his own Jewish community as the articulator of allegorical hermeneutics in Alexandria and forerunner of the hermeneutics of Clement and Origen. It will be helpful to observe the beginnings of allegorical interpretation and its influence on Philonic exegesis. We know the first allegorists, like the earliest Greek philosophers, only through the fragments of their work preserved by later authors.
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